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  • Writer's pictureOlivia Wentzell

Machine Learning!

Machine learning is a topic I am really excited to explore and dive deeper into! While I only know the surface level mechanics behind it, I have recently become involved in a year long project for my senior Capstone with a major focus in machine learning. From ideation, to (hopefully) a working platform/ product, myself, one more Human Factors student, and four Computer Science students have embarked on ExplAInable - a platform for visualizing Artificial Intelligence. AI is arguably the future of technology and at the center, is machine learning.

The hardest part to success and customer satisfaction will depend on our ability to successfully approach, analyze, and visualize the machine learning that will go into data visualization for consumers.

To take a step back, machine learning is the application of AI that provides a system the ability to learn and adapt from experience. Just the way children will learn (hopefully) from their mistakes, the machine will as well. Without requiring specific instructions, the machine will be able to make comparisons, recognize patterns, analyze given data, and complete tasks.

A futuristic concept appears quite commonly now, whether it is suggested items to by on Amazon, shows to watch on Netflix or Hulu, detect fraud, or an autonomous car. I have said it before and I will say it again, the future is now and I cannot wait to see what comes around the next corner.

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1 comentario

Aidan Schertz
Aidan Schertz
22 oct 2019

Hi Olivia! I thought of your project when reading the other student whose blog I reviewed. I believe visualization is an integral part of understanding AI and machine-learning. In my Human Robot Interaction class, we've talked about trust and persuasion and what aspects of the robot influence someone to act/feel a certain way towards a robot. We discussed how pathos might come into persuasion even though we as humans know the robot is acting purely on logic (they have written instructions/code that they are following). I wonder how interactions might change when interactions are less formulated and rely on machine-learning.

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